Why Hope Doctors Beyond?

We specially started the “Hope Doctors Beyond” initiative in the year 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic. During the intensive lockdown, our medical team in partnership with the Uganda Red Cross Society – Entebbe took it upon themselves to extend our medical services to communities/families that were in dire need during this period. This meant that due to the hardships in people’s movements then, we chose to go to them instead of them coming to us.

It is during this time that we realised that apart from COVID 19, communities are struggling to have access medical assistance for diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, waterborne diseases, sexually transmitted diseases etc.

The H4RI Health Center III – Nakiwogo
(Entebbe Division B)

With support from our local and international partners, H4RI duly established a health center which due to the valuable medical services it gives to the surrounding communities was accorded a level of health center III by the Ministry Health in Uganda.

At the center our medical team offers services like disease diagnosis and treatment, laboratory screening services, dental services, treating minor accidents, general counseling services, carry out immunization and HIV testing and counseling. We partner with Entebbe Grade B and Mulago National Referral hospital in case of any referrals and further counsultations.

Medical Outreaches

So as to bring our services closer to the communities H4RI through the Health center III carries out medical camps/outreaches especially in the Islands of Lake Victoria (Kachanga, Nangombe, Bussi, and Kigungu). Other outreaches are carried out on land within Wakiso and Luwero Districts.

The medical outreaches are done every quarter in collaboration with the respective District Health Departments and common diseases encountered are waterborne diseases, HIV/AIDS and other STDs, plus malaria and typhoid. A typical medical outreach treats between 400 to 550 clients per camp.

The outreaches are also complimented by the voluntary counseling services which are mainly offered to people living with HIV/AIDS and those that have freshly been diagnosed with it.